Universitas Kristen Indonesia in cooperation with DAAD,

Fachochschule Kiel, and Indostaff

Jakarta 9-13 November 2015


Indonesia is both the largest island state as auchmit approximately 250 million inhabitants one of the most populous countries in the world. The gap between rich and poor far apart, the annual per capita income is among the lowest in Southeast Asia. Women are discriminated against despite progressive legislation, the introduction of gender mainstreaming in 2000 by the Government and the Gender Responsive Budgeting and an existing since 1978 “gender machinery” in many areas of public life.

The gender-based discrimination against women and girls is especially associated with patriarchal socio-cultural and religious traditions and ideas continued (eg. child marriages, female genital mutilation, forced divorces, violence against women, also homophobia; cf. Publications of Amnesty International) .There are more than 250 ethnic groups in which varies greatly the expression of gender roles.  Furthermore, the proportion of women has so far remained low in political, economic and academic key positions at national and local levels.
In complex educational system of the country, about 4.5 million students are distributed among the different  types of higher education (public, private, nondenominational universities, Open University). Gender disparities in education have been until now more or less balanced.  So in 2008 the number of female students for the first time exceeded the male. As in many regions of the world, even in the Federal Republic of Germany, female students are concentrated in a “feminine connotation” study programs, such as nursing, dentistry, home economics, education and not in male dominated study programs, such as engineering.

In the context of a growing relevance of equality management at universities, a strategic  management approach which balance women and men proves to be effective to make a (better) organization. Strategic Management takes gender structures in the focus, the equalities create a dynamic equilibrium, for example, human resources management strategies are gender-sensitive and equally aligned to the needs and concerns of men and women. The strategic perspective in university context aims in the long term, for example, on reducing structural inequalities, such as:

• in recruitment and staff development
• in appointment and recruitment procedures
• through gender budgeting (gender equitable budget)
Gender will also be further integrate in research and teaching. A competent gender equitable management needs gender-sensitive leadership.

Objectives of the training:

  • Development of gender competence of  German alumni who are active in Indonesia and in neighboring regions as multipliers in science, medicine, politics, economy and culture
  • Knowledge building and sensitization of key persons and decision-makers in the universities,  research and other relevant institutions (commitment to gender equality).
  • Understanding the importance of organizations and organizational change in the context of gender equality. Commitment to anti-discrimination and equality requires the critical reflection of their own organizational culture, structures, policies and practices as well as the relationships within the organization (such as extending the processes of hierarchy and exclusion in science and higher education in relation to gender issues?).
  • Training of skills, expertise and commitment to implement organizational change in institutions of higher learning.
  • Space creation for a dialog: learning, knowledge sharing and discussion in an environment where people feel safe to express their opinions, to interact with colleagues and hear different points of view (including issues of power and inequality).
  • Establishment of a gender group, and in the longer term a pool of facilitators established.


German alumni who are working in higher education, research or relevant institutions in Indonesia

Interested participants please contact:

Ied Veda Sitepu

Women Study Center


Pusat Studi Wanita- Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Universitas Kristen Indonesia (LPPM-UKI),

Jalan Mayjen Sutoyo, Cawang, Jakarta Timur 13630

Phone: 021- 8009190 ext 244

Mobile: 083875490544


Fax: 021- 808 86 882