Emerging Challenges in University Leadership and Management

In April 11 – 12, 2012, in Manila, Prof. Dr. Intan Ahmad representing Indostaff attended the the Association of South East Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) Conference with a theme: “Emerging Challenges in University Leadership and Management”. The conference was organized by University Federation of Educators Linked to Deutschland (UniFeld) and  De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines. Prof. Intan discussed The Indonesian Experience: Training University Leaders. Prof. Michael Fremerey from Unistaff Associates, the “Guru” of all Unistaff alumni also attended the conference and he talked about University Leadership:  A balance act between intervention and self-organization. The presentation materials can be found here.

Presentation of Prof. Ahmad can be downloaded here (Indonesia experience in training university leaders-Manila-April-2012).