Women in Higher Education

On 24 November 2011 at Campus of Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI), Prof. Dr. Hendrawan Soetanto (UB), Dr. Setyo Pertiwi (IPB), Puji Mudiana, MA (IPB), Dr. Trina Tallei (Unsrat), Dr. Titik Soemarti (IPB), Dr. Ied Veda Sitepu (UKI), Ganda Hutapea, SE, MBM (UKI), Dr.med. Abraham Simatupang, MKes (UKI), Dr. Elyani Amka (Mercu Buan), dr. Louisa Langie (UKI), MSi dan Ir. Ktut Silvanita, MSi (UKI), dr. Veronika NKD, MBiomed, Ms. Weeke B and Ms. Dediana B discussed a topic: “Women in Higher Education” in the Seminar & Workshop – Women and Health: “Towards better understanding and environment for the future generation.” The inputs of the discussion were presented by Dr. Pertiwi, Ms. Puji, Dr. Titik and Dr. Ied, which mainly touched the real picture and challenges of women in academic institutions. Although the academic environment in most of the institutions are much better for women to achieve their maximum career, but there are still some challenges to work out. Challenges were categorized into nature characteristics of women such as pregnancy, giving birth and breast feeding and gender-specific issues in academic institutions. A thorough research on the issue has to be done in finding and giving some ideas for the better understanding of gender-specific roles in academic institution