Webinar on “Harnessing Generative AI (GenAI) for Fostering Learning Process in Higher Education”
Date: March 7, 2024 Time: 01:00 pm Western Indonesian Time
We are delighted to invite you to an insightful webinar organized by INDOSTAFF in collaboration with Derap Perempuan Kreatif Indonesia Peduli Bangsa (DPKIPB) and the Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University.
Background: The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence, particularly in generative models, presents a unique opportunity to revolutionize higher education. Generative AI (GenAI) offers exciting prospects for personalized learning, content creation, and student engagement. This webinar aims to explore the applications and implications of harnessing GenAI for advancing the learning process in higher education.
· Provide an overview of GenAI and its relevance to higher education. · Explore potential applications of GenAI in teaching, learning, and research. · Discuss ethical considerations and challenges in integrating GenAI in educational settings. · Facilitate dialogue and collaboration among educators, researchers, and stakeholders interested in leveraging GenAI for enhanced learning.
Agenda: Introduction to the Webinar by MC: dr. Olivia Waworuntu, MPH. (FK UNSRAT)
Welcome Address by Organizing Committee Representatives: – Presidium of Indostaff : Prof. Dr. Ir. Hj. Nurhayati, M.Sc.agr (UNJA) – Derap Perempuan Kreatif Indonesia Peduli Bangsa : Prof. Dr. Illah Sailah, MS (IPB University) – Rector of UNSRAT : Prof. Dr. Ir. Oktovian Berty Alexander Sompie, Meng., IPU ASEAN Eng.
Keynote Speech by Prof. Sri Suning Kusumawardhani, S.T., MT Direktur Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi.
– Presentation Session 1: GenAI in Teaching and Learning, presented by Assc. Prof. Fariz Darari (UI) Q&A Session, moderated by Dr. Puji Mudiana, S.P., M.A. (IPB University)
– Presentation Session 2: GenAI for Medical Education and Healthcare, presented by Assc. Prof. Dr. med. Abraham Simatupang (UKI) Q&A Session (Moderated by Dr. dr. Nurdjannah Jane Niode, SpKK(K), FINSDV, FAADV) (FK UNSRAT)
Closing Remarks/Wrap up by Ir. Lien Herlina, M.Sc (IPB University)
Closing Speech by Dean of FK UNSRAT: Prof. Dr. dr. Nova Hellen Kapantow, DAN, MSc, SpGK
Target Audience: – Educators, administrators, and researchers in higher education. – Students in AI, education, and related fields. – Policy-makers and stakeholders interested in the intersection of AI and education.
This webinar is open to the public. Registration is free, and certificates will be provided to participants.
For inquiries, please contact the organizing committee via WhatsApp: dr. Olivia Waworuntu, MPH. (+62-853-4000-6363) David J. Liando, SST (+62-896-8187-3286).