Dr. med. Abraham Simatupang, dr., MKes. as a representative of Indostaff Presidium attended a DIES Conference on Strengthening Universities, Enhancing Capacities Higher Education Management for Development on 28-29 November 2011 in Bonn, Germany. He presented a paper entitled Nurturing in the Awakening of a New Era in Higher Education Management. The presentation described the challenges for Indonesian higher education institutions in preparing, developing and nurturing highly skilled and professional graduates that can actively participate in the fulfillment of Indonesia Vision 2025 which is stated as: “To leverage Indonesia as developed country – to be one of the 12 developed countries (2025) and to be one of the 8 developed countries (2045) through a high, inclusive and sustainable economic achievement”. The Indonesian higher education institutions should be prepared and ready to change, firstly by changing their paradigms, and secondly by changing their performances through a better leadership and management approach. Since its establishment, Indostaff has been actively participating in answering this requirement, by organizing and conducting seminars, trainings and workshops for academic staff from various universities in Indonesia. Indostaff usually collaborates with the Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE), DAAD, universities and other third parties. Recently, Indostaff took a major role, together with DGHE, University of Indonesia, Gajah Mada University, University of Brawijaya, and Bogor Agricultural University, in preparing and establishing study program of a master degree for Higher Education Management – the one of its kind in Indonesia.